It’s Amazing

Have you ever driven across the state of Texas? It takes two days. A good bit of the time you’re driving past scrubby desert or green fields dotted with cows or goats. Old fashioned water windmills, oil pump jacks, and miles of tall wind turbine windmills share the horizon. Yet you can watch a television show live from the BBC while rolling along at 75 miles an hour across Texas. It’s amazing.

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Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

One thought on “It’s Amazing”

  1. I’ve always wanted to be that person who wakes up in the morning, at an ungodly hour, and runs. You know, running for physical activity, rain or shine. Or maybe goes to the gym and sweats out in a class or lifts weights.

    I decided one morning to muster up the courage to actually get out of bed and brave the early morning of a gloomy April day. I decided hiking would be my “thing.”

    An hour and a half later, I was huffing and puffing, red in the face, and had gone up and down the hilly trail just in time to grab a coffee before heading back home for a shower to get ready for work.

    Let me tell you, It’s amazing. That one experience had…

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