
What's down there?

The cat is moving in with me. This happens from time to time. The cat never comments on it once the move is complete. She comments plenty during the drive from one place to another. She yowls the whole damn way. Yowls loud. We tried tranquilizers and it didn’t help.

The cat person is in the photo. I’m not the cat person. But I can live with the cat when circumstances demand it.

Sigh. I think I need a better vacuum cleaner before the hair generating device arrives.

Please leave a comment with your first 50 words on the topic “cat” or on some topic the photo suggests to you.

Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

4 thoughts on “Cat”

  1. who are they, these people who do not move toward cats? i hate dogs. there’s a little poodle who comes with someone who works in my favorite yarn shop. i try to be okay about this and hope he’ll not be friendly. but they always know.

  2. Not only do dogs always know, but they think it’s their duty to convert you to the dog life style. Like you can’t really be serious about this not-a-dog-person thing.

  3. We caught Minnie, a ferile cat, at a state park when I was ten. She was tabby, with white markings. After a year we understood why she’d been dumped. She was not only ferile, she was fertile. She birthed ten or more kittens at a time. Within two years we had 44 cats.

  4. I like cats. Most men don’t but I do. Men like dogs because we don’t like to work for affection. Not with women, and certainly not with animals. We call our pooch over and we get all the lovin’ we want. Cats on the other hand are very selective in their relationships and if you are not their chosen human they couldn’t care less whether you lived or died. Some people call this aloof, I refer to it as having more refined sensibilities.

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