That’s all Folks

That's all Folks! from Woody Woodpecker cartoons

I’m finally admitting that I’m finished dreaming up writing prompts. I’ve been doing it for almost 30 years. There are thousands of them here on this blog. I’ll leave the blog up, but won’t be creating new prompts.

I want to thank everyone for coming here to write, or just to read. I’ve loved watching all of you write over the years. Some who came were outstanding writers before they arrived, some have shown tremendous growth over the years. It’s been a pleasure to read every single one of your offerings.

Thanks for going on this journey with me.
–Virginia, AKA First 50


Eleven stood up straight. Tall. Proud. Some of his friends were slouchy and slumpy. One legged. But not Eleven. Eleven was perfect, a matched set.

That’s why Eleven grew so jealous over the years. Why teach children to count to Ten? Surely they could see that Eleven was bigger, better. Why, Ten didn’t even have anything in the ones column. A void.

Eleven wanted to talk, to tell everyone about how important he was. But the only people who understood him were CPAs and they were SO boring.

Please use the open space below to share your first 50 words on the topic “eleven.”

Let’s Dance

“The whole country is traumatized with grief,” she lamented. “COVID, opioids, gun violence. We should just all take a day to grieve.”

He look at her with a sly smile. Then he put a vinyl record on the phonograph and said, “Let’s dance.”

He forced her into a standing position, took her hand, and twirled her around the kitchen in her house slippers. When the next song began, they continued dancing. When the record was done, they were both smiling.

“Let’s get dressed and go for a walk,” she said.

Please use the open space below to share your first 50 words on the topic “let’s dance.”


I have a cure for insomnia. It’s probably worth millions of dollars but I’m giving it to you free. It isn’t warm milk or chamomile tea. It’s list making. List stuff from your life like all your teachers or all the live music you’ve seen or all the Paul Newman movies you’ve watched.

Okay, it may not put you to sleep, but at least you’ll entertain yourself while you’re awake instead of worrying your way through the night.

Please use the open space below to share your first 50 words on the topic “insomnia.”

Job Hunting

“Over 40% of our jobs are unfilled,” the HR guy said to me. “So you can pick and choose among the ones you’re qualified for.”

“Why are so many jobs unfilled?” I asked.

“Oh, you know, kids today don’t want to work.”

“You did notice that over a million people have died of COVID so far, right? Don’t you think that makes a difference?”

“Nah,” he said. “People are just lazy.”

“I see,” I paused. “I don’t think I want to work here either.” I got up and walked out.

Please use the open space below to share your first 50 words on the topic “job hunting.”

Best Vacation Ever

To have your best vacation ever do you have to spend thousands of dollars to visit some far away location? I remember being up in the mountains of New Mexico, far from any city lights and on a deserted highway. We pulled the car over and just looked at the millions of stars. It was the most restful and rejuvenating feeling – a real vacation. When you live in the city you forget the power of the stars.

Please use the open space below to share your first 50 words on the topic “best vacation ever.”

Summer memories

Remember summer when you were a kid? When a day seemed soooo long. Being inside looking at a screen hadn’t been invented yet. That meant being outside watching ants on the sidewalk and taking bike rides to the ice cream shop. That meant afternoons at the swimming pool. It meant helping hang laundry on an actual clothesline. It meant freedom. Things are less work than they used to be, but are they better?

Staying sane

I step outside,
The air is fresh,
There are strawberries for breakfast.

The sky is blue,
The doves offer encores,
It’s a good day to be alive.

Can I hold this moment,
This tiny thread of peace and joy,
In a world gone mad?

Please use the open space below to share your first 50 words on the topic staying sane.

The Best Of

Spring is coming on fast. It’s different everywhere. Here the wisteria and the lilacs and the forsythia all brighten up the place. The roadrunners make an appearance hurrying down the sidewalk. The wind blows so hard even a tiny spark can turn into a raging wildfire. But the best of spring is that it reminds you it’s good to be alive. It’s good to be outside in the sun where the air is fresh and the birds are singing. Wake up, world.

Please use the open space below to share your first 50 words on the topic “the best of.”