Microfiction Monday #24

people on a small bridge looking into the water below

You’ve sung Verdi from this bridge every morning for 40 years. That old turtle there is your biggest fan. He always listens.

Please leave a comment of 140 characters or less about the image. For full details about Microfiction Monday, see Stony River.

Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

19 thoughts on “Microfiction Monday #24”

  1. Very nice. It makes me wonder how many other animals are witness to this couples’ lives. You could build a character off that snippet you just wrote.

    1. Jeff, you really could take this one into a complete work. That’s the beauty of these microfiction prompts, isn’t it? There’s always a lot of backstory resonating through each response.

  2. I thought I’d add a note about my take on today’s exercise: There is a sadness about this picture…the couple has reached a turning point in their fight with dementia. How soon will the end come?

An open space for your story