Microfiction Monday #26

swan standing at the edge of a lake

A scientific analysis of the water content and biological diversity reveals that lunch is ready.
Let’s eat.

Please leave a story of 140 characters or less about the image.

For complete details on Microfiction Monday, see Stony River.

Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

17 thoughts on “Microfiction Monday #26”

  1. I was watching some of these guys just yesterday and wondered what they were thinking — thanks for answering the question, but I think I’ll pass on lunch! Another fun one for the day. Have a great week!


  2. “Horace, do you see my hip waders?”
    “Horace? Stop fooling around down there!”
    “Just wait till you come up for air, mister! Mama ain’t happy!”

  3. The swan admired its reflection in the rippling river and then paddled along downstream. Creating his own drama, he, fished for lunch oblivious to the distress of the fish.

  4. I always wondered what was in the Water, now we know. I guess we will stay out of the Duck Ponds from now on. Nice take on the picture.

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