Microfiction Monday #28

a goat atop a wooden crate

In my imagination, I scale the mountains, I prance from rock to rock, I dance in the meadows, and I belong to no one.

Please leave a story of 140 characters or less about the image. For complete details about Microfiction Monday, see Stony River.

Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

18 thoughts on “Microfiction Monday #28”

  1. Awe, how dear and a bit sad too. God bless the dreamers.
    Love feeling the different emotions while reading this!
    Good one!
    Have a great week

  2. Loved your take on the picture; here’s mine:

    “I can see our house from up here,” said Godfrey. “If we jump those bushes we can be home for supper. I sure hope it’s canned beans again.”

  3. And that is the good way to be. To dream the impossible dream 🙂 I hope this becomes a reality. Loved this. Well done my friend. Have a great week ahead 🙂

  4. I am king of all I see, my domain is clearly evident from my platform throne…I live, I breathe, I celebrate…it is all mine! It is good to be king.

    1. I’ve read all of your entries looks like your ready to starting playing with us at Flash Fiction 55. You write a story fifty five words no more no less and then post it on your blog coming back here afterwards letting Galen The Know it all leaving your post for all of us to enjoy. Thats it simple as that If you decide to then will see you at here Click Here

      1. Hi Larry,
        I love the challenge of saying something in 140 characters or less for Microfiction Monday, but don’t want to add another blog carnival type feature to First 50 Words.

        I appreciate the suggestion, however.

An open space for your story