Microfiction Monday #30

three men in Hari Krishna garb walk across a public lawn

I’m down with the robes and the pink accessories, but these shoes just don’t do it for me. Open-toed leather sandals—that’s what we need.

Please leave your comment of 140 characters or less with your story about the image. For full details on Microfiction Monday, see Stony River.

Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

19 thoughts on “Microfiction Monday #30”

  1. I love it! Fashion conscious monks! Such a great one for the day! And I love starting my day with a big laugh!! And I just did thanks to you! Have a great week!


  2. Love your thoughts on this photo. Here’s mine:

    Heads bowed to avoid stepping on even one lowly insect or worm, the three brothers picked their way across the commons to the hotdog stand.

  3. Picky picky picky. LOL Well done. I’d be less worried about the shoes than what I was dressed in LOL. Have a great week ahead 🙂

  4. “Hey, do you think that photographer is taking our picture?”

    “Why would he?”

    “Well, probably because we aren’t wearing any sleeves, and it’s 38 degrees out here.”

    “You mean it has nothing to do with our shoes?”
    fun. molly

  5. Dude, are you sure this is the right way to the party? Is it the right date and time? Something seems a little off to me! Doesn’t everyone else seem a little stiff?

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