Microfiction Monday #31

Woman with canning jars

Thanks for loaning me your canning. My mom will think I’m a great wife when she sees my pantry. She’ll be so proud.

Please leave a comment of 140 characters or less about the image. For complete details about Microfiction Monday, see Stony River.

Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

19 thoughts on “Microfiction Monday #31”

  1. LOL…that’s one smart woman I tell ya. 🙂 Great take on the photo 🙂 Have a great week ahead 🙂

  2. Oh my, who knew how much work it would be to be to reorganize the pantry, glad I had that extra cuppa joe. It seems to have really perked me up! I feel like Caffeine Woman!

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