
The biddy down the hall
Is really off her rocker
9-1-1 is her favorite call
To report an imaginary stalker

Some of us other old gals
Have searched the place for men
Even checked with other pals
And we just can’t find a way to sin

But the cop who comes by
To soothe and calm the crazy coot
Makes everyone heave a sigh
Maybe I’ll report a stalker on a toot

After learning from Going like Sixty that a biddy is a chicken, I invite you to write your first 50 words on the topic “biddy” in a comment.

Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

13 thoughts on “Biddy”

  1. Looking around the house, all I see is fur,

    One is quite brazen, the other most demure.

    If there’s trouble to be had, they will cause it to occur.

    Two more will be involved, because they all confer.

    We know when things get started, it won’t be with a purr

    When dogs express themselves, it starts with a grrrr.

    If given a choice they would ride around the city,

    looking for a squirrel to tree, or chase an old biddy.

    With my encouragement they would terrorize a kitty,

    that’s the ugly underbelly, that’s the nitty-gritty.

    Footnote: yes, we have biddies/biddys? in our city. I think it’s called agri-tourism.

  2. “Barbara! Barbara Diane! Barbara Diane Thompson, you get in here right now.” With every syllable, I slowed my walk. My walk turned to a stroll. My stroll turned into to a saunter. If she would have called me again, I may have come to a complete halt. I’m wasn’t different than most fourteen year olds. Whatever was important to her, was totally unimportant to me.
    My Aunt was also named Barbara, so when I was little, they started calling me Barbara Diane. Which got shortened to B.D. “Call her Biddy,” my dorky brother said. He knew I hated that nickname.

  3. Dear Diary,
    She called me a “biddy” and I don’t even know what that means. Is it the grade school version of the “B” word? Because if it is, I am SO telling on her. But I didn’t cry. No way. Maybe biddy means that I’m small…no…that’s “bitty,” so that’s probably not it…

  4. Hey, goinglikesixty, my 11 year old granddaughter told me today that she was “just asking a rhetorical question,” so don’t judge your writing practice or the vocabulary of 14 year olds these days. Just write. 🙂

  5. goinglikesixty – I took it that you were remembering a time past – and when we remember, we can use words we’d never have used at the time. I liked it! The use of the words “saunter” and “stroll” never seemed out of place to me.

    first50 – Thanks! I saw your site on goinglikesixty’s blog and instantly fell in love! Thank you for providing a wonderful opportunity for us to hone our skill.

  6. a biddy + pensioner = a dangerous old psychotic woman who will talk until the stars burn out about all tragic world news events driving all those within a 50 meter radius of her to contemplate suicidal thoughts and even murder, spending her money on extending her life expectancy which will bring about extended grief to those she descends upon for weeks on end.

    Clear the spare room.. ‘the biddy’ is coming!

  7. If the literal meaning of “biddy” is a chicken, the I think the sorta slang or “poetic license” oriented use of the word “biddy” (for e.g. an old woman) is perhaps similar to, or analogous to, calling a young woman a “chick”. (right?) (is that considered offensive? I hope not ..)

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