Red Geraniums

red geraniums
red geraniums

Red geraniums beckon
Bringing visitors
To a friendly door
A signal, a flare
Saying welcome,
Saying come on in

A house with
Red geraniums
Is warm and inviting
Put them by the door
Put them by the sofa
Put them in your heart
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Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

3 thoughts on “Red Geraniums”

  1. I tell you the nag’s a long odds cert. I’ve a grand on. The horse is backward to keep the odds up so I’ll mint it. Your money in the bank.

    It better.

    Red Geraniums limped in last. Soon after, Big Tony went for a ride and long country rest.

  2. The porch is sagging, grey with age, and the windows are streaked with grime. An old face peers from behind dirt-stiffened curtains at the windowbox of red geraniums. The window creaks open; a wrinkled hand stretches out to remove dead blooms and carefully pour a quart jar of water into the soil around the plant. The window closes, the face is gone, and the red geraniums stand defiant in the evening gloom.

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