Take the train

Have you traveled outside the US? In many countries, you buy a ticket to use the trains and ferries as soon as you arrive, because you can go anywhere in the country using public transportation. But not in the US. I haven’t heard anybody say that improving our public transportation is part of the plans to “rebuild our infrastructure” but I’d love to be able to take the train anywhere I wanted to go.

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Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

One thought on “Take the train”

  1. Let the train take the strain

    Floods stopped the train.George heard the announcer explain that buses would now complete the journey. At the station he was one of three-hundred people in monsoon like rain. When buses did arrive George became part of the mob leaving the weak and loaded to struggle.

    His descent shocked him.

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