
Jerry was walking Marianne up to her door at the end of their first date when she screamed and hid her face in his chest.

“What is it?” Jerry asked.

“Spiders!” Marianne was shaking as her tears wet his shirt.

There were two Daddy Long Legs near the porch light. Jerry patted her back awkwardly, “They can’t . . .

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Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

7 thoughts on “Spiders”

  1. People who say they aren’t afraid of spiders always make me laugh! I used to say the same. I was NOT afraid of spiders.
    Until that day, long ago, in the Philippines, when we rented one of those small beach huts on a volcanic beach.
    I wish I could find a photo of the beach.

    I’m in the process of writing a sequel to this on my blog

  2. Louise Bourgeois sculpts huge spiders and calls them “Maman.” When I was 8 or 9, I saw a big spider walking across the sidewalk. I stomped on it—and watched open-mouthed as a dozen tiny spiders ran away. I’d killed a mama wolf spider, which bears live young.

  3. They ain’t so little now

    This dame was sitting on the grass cus of her being too poor to sit up. She was eating some slop rather than proper food, when this great big black spider sidled up and started laying it on her. She just gave him a look that made him looked stomped.

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