10 Reasons Why

Here are 10 reasons why I love Twitter. Okay. There’s only one reason why I love Twitter.

You know what  it’s like being a writer. You walk around all day writing sentences in your head. Some of them have nowhere to go. But now there’s Twitter. Where else could I say this stuff—ten times?

Hola, amigos. I'm applying for a teaching job in Arizona. Es verdad.

the wind gods are playing Frisbee with pizza boxes today

The wind gods are bowling with tumbleweeds today.

Just installed Top 100 on my iPone. Playing music from the year I graduated HS. Finally, 100 songs I know all the lyrics to.

clouds run, trees dance, tumbleweeds roll, pollen scatters: it's windyPlaying Words with Friends with someone who tromps you with words like qit, mu, xi and ea can make you crabby.

71,000 of New Mexico 18-25 year olds are too heavy for the military. Who knew KFCS could end the military industrial complex?

Driving through Texas is spring green, bluebonnet blue and calf brown.

The moon left a contrail of pink over the Sandias this morning.

I think the cat has a secret stash of espresso beans that she brews up about 4 AM.

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Footnote: If you are a Twitter user, you know that today Twitter came out with a tool called Blackbird that lets you embed an actual tweet without having to take a screen capture of it as an image.  Too late for this post, but a nice change when quoting people.

Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

2 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why”

  1. There are 10 reasons why I feels so crazy and cockamamie all of the time but I really can’t elucidate on them at the present, suffice to say that the neurons don’t fire correctly, the synapses are not acting like they are supposed to and well, I find that being me requires a lot less energy that I don’t have than trying to act like a normal human being, whatever normal may be!

  2. In the arms of love.

    ‘Go on tell me again why you love me,’ said Kate, giving Edward a hug and a kiss. Blushing, he said, ‘Because you’re soft and true, with eyes that drown, and a touch that…’

    Kate smiled. Behind his back, she saw Bob, her lover, creep backwards out the open door.

An open space for your story