
The daisies are in bloom now. Perfect white, round blooms with yellow centers. They cheer me along each time I’m outside. I can’t bring flowers inside. Oh, I’m not allergic to them. I actually love them. So does the cat. The cat loves to eat them. Then she yaks them up on the carpet. So we are flowerless inside the house.

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Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

2 thoughts on “Daisies”

  1. Daisies
    Remind me of childhood.
    Plucking off one petal at a time.
    Loves me
    Loves me not
    Not knowing until last petal is plucked off
    Also reminds me of 4 leaf clovers.
    Mama had a special gift.
    She could spot them with a glance
    Rest of us always had to look and look
    Usually with no luck
    Mama kept them pressed in her bible.

  2. Daisy was our first cat as a married couple. She arrived as a kitten, trembling and clinging on for comfort. As she grew, a Queen appeared, distaining to notice dogs, rivals and us. But in darkness, she was our solitary guardian.

    She left us, curled in pain, limbs poking stiffly.

An open space for your story