
In my world, the way to eat eggs is to eat huevos rancheros. These are eggs and a mix of other stuff like potatoes, meat, beans, and whatever else sounds spicy smothered in a ton of the red chile sauce called ranchero sauce. The weaker stomach might go for a breakfast burrito instead, which contains eggs, potatoes, maybe beans, corn, meat, chile, cheese, onions and whatever else sounds spicy wrapped in a flour tortilla. Either contain enough calories for an entire day.

Eat your breakfast.

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Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

9 thoughts on “Eggs”

  1. The egg crashed to the floor and, with a crack like a little head splitting open, body fluid goo splattered across the floor. My new apartment offers unpacked boxes, a clogged toilet and a broken microwave. The skillet had come from the bottom of a box that is in my bedroom closet and the prospect of a “real breakfast” had made it seem possible to face down the mess around me. A broken egg is the last straw. Sitting on the kitchen floor and fighting back tears, I am now giving up on this day.

  2. Memories from a Southern mom.
    When children were growing up
    Favorite breakfast on Saturday morning.
    Bisquits and milk gravy
    Scrambled eggs or a dozen cooked in the electric skillet.
    Half pound of bacon
    and ham or sausage.
    Mom’s homemade preserves.
    Strawberry, grape or pear.
    Orange juice, coffee or cold milk.

  3. The alarm sounds. I push the snooze. It sounds again. And again. My husband gets up and soon I smell coffee. I turn off the snooze and drop back into sleep.

    “Eggs are ready!” I roll out of bed, into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes as I try to spoon the soft-boiled eggs into my mouth. The first rays of sun glint off the tip of my spoon.

    “Good morning,” I say.

  4. I’m pretty sure I would never have thought of eating an egg if I’d been the first person to discover one! I’d have held it in my two hands, marvelled at its shape, wondered about it and then, maybe, I’d have dropped it! Would I have thought of licking up the sticky mess all over my feet? Surely not! As for cooking it…… It’s lucky for me that other people take risks!

    What a terrific group!

    My blog is Rinkly Rimes a daily compilation of jottings in verse.

    Look me up!

  5. Eggs. This is what the Germans call their… oh, I can’t say it. write it small… testicles. there. Of course, The word in German is ‘Eier’, meaning eggs or otherwise. It’s a euphemism that still troubles me, seeming a little distasteful. Still, when I learned the language mein deutsche lehrerin used to giggle like a schoolgirl as she told the story of the departmental boss who used the word in vain hope of it being the correct German word for eyes. “These are my eyes”, was the sentence he was hoping for. “mein Eier!”

  6. You eaten my babies?

    A talking chicken is reason enough to be a bit slow-witted but having a six-foot Rhode Island Red talker jump out at you on the morning of the evening from hell is omnipotently more.

    If only, Tom thought afterwards, I had looked for the camera first.

  7. Texas in July. Turn on the Weather Channel and see a weeks worth of round yellow suns, a steady diet of golden yellow eggs sizzling on a hot Fort Worth sidewalk. Road rage, car jacking are all up; maybe this will be the month I finally get off the damn society page and get a real story to cover…

An open space for your story