I wish the . . .

I wish the values of environment, leisure, and tolerance were more important than the value of money in our society.

I wish the fad for reality TV would come to an end. Where is Northern Exposure when you need it?

I wish my brain would stop producing words in passive sentence constructions. I waste a lot of time editing them out.

Please leave a comment with your first 50 words on the topic “I wish the . . .”

Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

7 thoughts on “I wish the . . .”

  1. It had been a nice night, wine, dancing and a lingering kiss. The long moon begged for a slow walk back through the dancing faerie woods; it was love until his knife slashed my belly and throat. They say I drowned in blood.

    I wish the truth had been clearer.

  2. I wish these things had never been invented: (an Etheree)

    meth and crack
    gasoline engines
    all-terrain vehicles
    .357 magnums
    celebrity news magazines
    24/7 weather reports
    mountaintop removal and strip-mining

  3. ooh never heard of an Etheree before( me and poetry are only on nodding terms) so rushed to find out more. This is my 50 word attempt.

    Contemplating Middle-age.

    we had
    passion and sex.
    Now its IKEA,
    and Saturday nights in.
    Clothes shrink; secret snacks my joy.
    He, Adonis sags and bounces
    where once I could sit and have hard fun.
    I wish the razzle-dazzle bungeed back.

  4. I remember thinking, “if only they hadn’t collapsed, I wish the buildings didn’t collapse.” I knew on that day, when the towers fell that the unspeakable bad had turned to horror. Even today, when I think about the World Trade Center Towers, I can’t help but think how different our day would be if the buildings would have remained standing. Our world would be different, even if the buildings were totally gutted by fire a remained standing as burned hulks of metal. Our world would be different if we could have torn the buildings down on our own accord.

  5. I wish for a “Northern Exposure” reunion show — for a little more time with Cicely’s surprising cast. From Maggie the mechanical bush pilot and Maurice, the deep-pockets American hero with a great affect, to fish-out-of-water Fleishman and Shelley, the beauty queen turned barmaid with an affinity for foreign languages… Even the bit players like Adam and Eve, Eric and Ron, Jed and Grammy are fondly remembered. Once asked John Corbett (Chris, the Whitman and Jung-inspired DJ)whether a reunion will ever happen. “No,” he answered. “I’m not interested, at least.” Something about “ya gotta keep moving forward.” Sounds like sage advice. But Cicely was too fabulous not to revisit. Ed, write us a script.

  6. I wish we could go for a leisurely Sunday afternoon drive like we did years ago, enjoying the scenery, sharing our stories, no cell phones, no road rage, no concerns about the cost of gasoline. I wish we could remember the meaning and the feel of leisure and simple pleasures enjoyed without guilt feelings or “to-do” lists swirling in our heads.

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