The Moral of the Story

cornish blue hot chocolate

Well, I’m back. I had the most expensive cup of hot chocolate in the world on my way here. But I have a working computer and a passion to create writing prompts, so it all worked out in the end. The moral of the story is, do not drink near your computer. Do. Not.

Please use the open space below to share your first 50 words on the topic “the moral of the story.”

Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

3 thoughts on “The Moral of the Story”

  1. A man can never know what his decisions bring forth because even the sweetest things in everyday life can set the course to a bitter end. Almost like statues of stone we are forced to admit, that we are stuck. The moral of the story: There is no moral.

  2. As you could ride around paranoid without valid license, remember the cops main objective is to meet a quota. When you get pulled over you could either run or remain silent. Get shot or get a ticket. Die or go to court. The moral of the story is “Fuck the Police!”

  3. A couple of mantras I live by are “Never assume” and “One thing always leads to another..”
    Often we say yes to what we assume is a totally simple task which will be accomplished and over in minutes. It never is. Again, often we enter a room with one single thing to accomplish and emerge much later having. instead, done a half-dozen or more. To top that off often some things are only half-completed and we need to return. What begins as linear turns out to be evolutionary. If there’s a moral to this story it’s that I need to pay attention – really pay attention to the mantras I profess to live by.

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