I dreamed

I dreamed I was a griffin with an eagle’s wings to carry me over the mountains and a lion’s claws to lift you away from danger. Then I dreamed that I couldn’t fly at all and I crashed to the ground.

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Author: Virginia DeBolt

Writer and teacher who writes blogs about web education, writing practice, and pop culture.

2 thoughts on “I dreamed”

  1. I dreamed that my family and I were robbed four times-in one night. I hid the kids, whom I didn’t know but were staying with us. Nothing was taken, and nobody kidnapped, despite the fact that one of the baddies was a “nuclear psychopath” and drove a Buick LeSabre.

  2. This morning I dreamed of my father. I was looking out a bay window and saw a man standing on the sidewalk. He was wearing a beige suede coat and an Ascot cap of the same color. This was a regular type of headgear with my Dad. As the man looked up, I saw that it was my father. He waved and started walking in my direction. I turned and walked towards the door and when he appeared, I yelled, “Pa!” This elicited a grin from ear-to-ear on his part, but not a single word. I woke up at this point thinking that he never speaks when he appears in my dreams, but, nevertheless, I was grateful for having seen him.

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